Holtkamp Chickie Update – Can You Stand It?

Well, we’re parents again.  Not sure if we should celebrate or have an omelette.  Huh?  We were rewarded with our first egg last Saturday at 2:34 p.m. (Yes, I know the exact time it happened.)  Lucy, our buff orpington chicken, started acting a little funny and walking in and out of the coop, which she never does.   She usually stays outside to cluck at every man, woman, and SUV that comes down the driveway.  All the sudden she reimerged all prancy-like.  I ran over to the nesting boxes and lifted the lid and wahoo, a nice, warm, very clean brown egg.  Knew you’d want pictures.  Here they are! (It’s 2 inches and 1.5 oz. just for the record.)


Our Lucy, Star of Holtkamp House

Our Lucy, Star of Holtkamp House

Lucy, and the other slacker chickens

Lucy, and the other slacker chickens

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