Holtkamp House Chicken Update – Welcome New Family!

I have been getting inquiries lately as to the status of our fine-feathered friends, the chickies. I can’t believe I forgot to write about the spring brood! We added 11 new baby chicks to the family. They were shipped overnight, like all the others we have. Here is how they arrived!

They keep eachother warm by huddling close together!

They keep eachother warm by huddling close together!

Unfortunately, we lost two in the first 24 hours which is not uncommon. The other 9 remained very snuggly in the garage in a huge AC box (of course!!) specially prepared just for them. About a month ago, we discovered that Ethel and Roxanne were really Eddie and Rocky, so they found another home. So we were then down to 7. Their names are Rose, Sophie, Priscilla, Genevieve, Ruby, Josephine, and Charlotte. The last three grew up and since we couldn’t tell them apart, we renamed them “The Triplets”. Can’t believe it’s been 5 months now and two are starting to lay eggs. Here’s a few pics!
A great "bumm"shot, don't you think?

One of the triplets.  We don't know which one!

One of the triplets. We don't know which one!

Demand for Holtkamp House eggs has now exceeded supply. So I mentioned this to Margaret (our daughter). She promptly replied, “Well, then, you’d better tell the chickens that!” And I’ll end with that tidbit of wisdom.

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