As I sit on the couch last night listening to the length of my daughter’s shower (yes, we have two teenagers in the house now; how did THAT happen?) all I could mumble was, “At least she’s filling the house with moisture.” Ha! How’s that for finding the silver lining!
This is just your friendly-almost-winter-now reminder to turn off the shower and cooking exhaust fans (unless you plan on cooking something really odorous!). As metro-Atlantans we have been trained to think that all humidity is bad because of our never-ending battle in the sweltering months. The reverse is true during the winter season. Higher humidity helps you to feel warmer and more comfortable at a lower temperature not to mention relieves static electricity, dry mucous membranes and shrinking doors and molding. This means lower utility bills and higher comfort. The optimal indoor humidity is around 45%.
So let that shower steam waft out into the hallway and let that boiling pot of soup spread its happiness throughout the house. And the next time your teenager takes a long shower, thank her for being so concerned about your dry nose. The next blog posting? Maybe I will give you the good news about how teenage texting increases SAT scores… well, maybe not.