6 Common Causes of Air Conditioning Malfunction

When your AC doesn’t turn on, it can be frustrating, especially if it’s hot outside. But before you call a technician, there are several things you can do to troubleshoot the problem.

There are a number of reasons why air conditioners may malfunction. In some cases, the problem may be due to a simple issue such as a dirty filter or a tripped circuit breaker. In other cases, the problem may be more serious and require the assistance of a professional technician.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of AC malfunctioning.

1) Thermostat

If your air conditioner will not turn on, the first thing you should check is the thermostat. Make sure the thermostat is set to the correct setting (cooling mode) and that the temperature is set low enough for the AC to turn on.

2) Power Supply

If your thermostat is set correctly the next thing you should check is the circuit breaker. If the breaker has been tripped, simply reset it and see if the AC turns on.

Assuming that you have checked the circuit breaker and the AC is still not turning on, the next thing you should check is the condenser unit. Make sure that the unit is plugged in and that the power switch is turned on. If the unit is plugged in and the power switch is on, but the AC still won’t turn on, you may need to call a professional AC repair technician.

3) Clogged Condenser Filter 

Another reason why your AC may not be working is that the condenser filter may be clogged. The condenser filter is located between the condenser coils and the air handler. The filter removes contaminants from the air before it reaches the air handler.

If the filter is clogged, the air will not be able to reach the air handler.

4) Dirty Condenser Coils

If your AC is not cooling your home as effectively as it should, it may be because the condenser coils are dirty. The condenser coils are located on the outside of your home and are responsible for removing heat and moisture from the air.

If the coils are dirty, they will not be able to do their job, which will result in your AC not cooling your home as effectively as it should. While you can clean the coils with a garden hose, this area can be fragile and you should consider our 21-point AC tune-up which includes coil cleaning. You should also make sure that the area around the coils is free of debris.

5) Clogged Drain Line

If your AC is not cooling your home as effectively as it should, it may be because the drain line is clogged. The drain line is responsible for draining the water that is removed from the air.

If the drain line is clogged, the water will not be able to drain, which will result in your AC not cooling your home as effectively as it should. To fix this problem, simply unplug the drain line and clean it, or call us to have one of our service technicians take care of it.

6) Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is what helps your AC to cool your home. If there is a leak, the refrigerant will escape and your AC will not be able to cool your home as effectively.


There are many different factors that can cause your AC to stop working. If you are having problems with your AC, make sure to check these factors and get your AC fixed as soon as possible.

Get a professional at Holtkamp Heating to take a look at your AC unit. We provide AC maintenance services to ensure that your system is up and running. Get in touch with us today to learn how.

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