Our CAN Challenge food drive intends to get local non-profits such as schools, churches and scouting/athletic groups engaged in helping to fill local food banks, which unfortunately have a critical shortage of food throughout the year. With rising numbers of families in need, this ongoing program not only raises awareness about the problem but also gives citizens a chance to make a real impact locally. Once groups organize and conduct their own food drive, they can receive up to $500 in grants, in addition to knowing they are actively helping those in need. This makes the program a win-win!
One group that has proudly participated in the CAN Challenge for the past three years is the Level Creek Elementary School PTA in Suwanee. As the internal champion of the school’s CAN Challenge efforts, first grade teacher Kristin Neely has used this both as a service opportunity and educational experience for students.
In their three years of participation, the students and families of Level Creek Elementary have raised a whopping 6,914 pounds of food! By gathering 3.5 tons of food that have gone directly to the North Gwinnett CoOp, the group has been awarded a total of $1,350 in grants.
“We are all so happy to provide needed food and other items to those in our community who count on the North Gwinnett Co-Op for help,” said Kristin. “I know that the whole school and Level Creek Elementary family thoroughly enjoy this project!”
“When we set out to create this challenge, we were focused on the food side of the equation and directly helping to solve the problem of hunger throughout our community,” said Suzanne Holtkamp, founder of the CAN Challenge.”As we have seen with the Level Creek school community, we are proud to see so many young people embrace this vehicle for food- awareness education. The CAN Challenge truly does serve as in introduction to community service for the next generation.”
Are you ready to help end hunger in our community? Please join us! Learn more about getting your group involved in the CAN Challenge. Together, we CAN do it!