Holtkamp Heating & Air Congratulates Latest Grant Winner

Barbara Runkle with all the food collected at Oakland Meadow School for the Holtkamp CAN Challenge

Barbara Runkle with all the food collected at Oakland Meadow School for the Holtkamp CAN Challenge

Can’t believe it but we’re fast approaching our ten ton goal of food for local food banks! Barbara Runkle, a parapro at Oakland Meadow School saw our booth at the Memorial Day Concert at Suwanee Town Park last May and immediately took an interest in the CAN Challenge. Oakland Meadow is a Gwinnett County Public School that serves the special education needs of students ages 3-21 who have deficits in cognitive and motor development. During the summer, Barbara motivated the staff at Oakland Meadow and within a few weeks, they had collected 1108 items! The food and personal hygiene items were donated to the Quinn House on August 12 and it couldn’t have come at a better time. The summer is often the most trying time for local food banks.

Congratulations to Barbara Runkle and Oakland Meadow School in helping to fight local hunger and in earning a $250 grant from the Holtkamp Family Foundation! Job well done!

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