Several times a day, we meet up with customers whose systems need a major repair and they are faced with the important decision of “repair or replace”. In today’s economic climate, it makes sense to carefully calculate the pluses and minuses of replacing an HVAC system. With that in mind, here are a few guidelines to enable you to get the cooling facts without the hype.
1) Consider the savings in energy costs. Having accurate records of past utility usage will help in determining if replacing your system before it breaks down permanently is a good choice. The savings you realize in energy costs may justify an earlier replacement and make you more comfortable at the same time. All our Comfort Consultants are trained to help you compute this savings; just ask!
2) Bigger is not better. A bigger AC or heatpump doesn’t mean you’ll be cooler. An oversized system kicks on and off frequently and doesn’t remove adequate moisture from the air, leaving your house cold and damp. An oversized system also has a greatly reduced lifespan, meaning you’ll be back replacing the system sooner. A properly sized system keeps a comfortable indoor environment with the proper humidity level, around 30-40%. Your energy bills will also be lower! This proper size is no guess. Read more here.
3) Check out the fine print in warranties. Not all “lifetime warranties” are created equal; some aren’t even really warranties, but “promises”. The Holtkamp Heating & Air Lifetime Parts and Labor Warranty covers any new system we install and is back by a Surety Bond registered with the State of Georgia Insurance Commissioner. It pays to do your homework!
Your HVAC system is the most expensive part of your home but also has the ability to save you the most money. As well, replacing a system could give you a much more comfortable indoor environment at the same time. It pays to do your homework. Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat. We’re here to help you with a full range of HVAC options for every budget. Just give us a call! 770.271.7511